International Students
Non Eu Citizens residing abroad
How to Enrol
If you are a non EU citizen not residing in Italy you can enrol at the first year of study or register for subsequent years with the abbreviation of course, according to the number of available places established by the University. For this purpose you must apply, between April and May, to the Italian Diplomatic Delegation of your native country or to the one where you achieved your academic qualification. The Diplomatic Delegation will value the regularity of your documents and provide to transmit them to the University. Afterwards you must pass an Italian language proficiency test to be admitted to a course, and if in your Country access to University is restricted, you have to take also a cultural exam. For enrolments at courses with limited number of places you need to pass an admission test the same as Italian citizens.
Eu Citizens residing elsewhere and Non Eu Citizens residing in italy
- If you are an EU citizen, residing elsewhere, or a non EU citizen residing in Italy and you have a valid qualification and have passed the admission test for the course you have chosen, you have the equivalent rights of an Italian citizen.
- If you come from a Country where access to University is restricted, you also need to produce an ability certificate that certifies your authorization to enrol.
- If you reside in Italy you can apply to the students' record office
- with your foreign qualification, duly ratified by the Italian
- Diplomatic Delegation of your native Country, with the same
- conditions of an Italian student.
- If you are an EU citizen residing abroad you can apply for information to the Italian Delegation of the Country where you live.
- If you are an Italian citizen and possess a qualification achieved abroad, that has been duly ratified by Italian Diplomatic Delegation, you have to submit the request and all the documentation to the students' record office, within the established deadline.
Documents to be produced to enrol
- The original of the diploma or an equivalent certificate, translated in Italian and ratified by the Local Diplomatic Delegation
- The certificate of equivalence of qualification
- An ability Certificate attesting your authorization to enrol ( if in your country access to university is restricted)
- Two photographs one of which authenticated by the Local Italian Diplomatic Delegation (for the Non EU- Citizens residing abroad)
- A copy of a valid residence permit
- A copy of identity card and of the tax code
If you want to enrol at the Second Level Degree Course you also need to add:
- The Certificate of the 1 level degree you already achieved abroad
- A certificate of the exams taken, with their detailed programs and the teaching timetable scheduled, translated and authenticated by the Local Italian Diplomatic Delegation.
Recognition of foreign academic qualifications
If you're a foreign or an Italian citizen with an academic qualification obtained abroad in public Universities, and you aim to apply for recognition of your qualification at the University of Chieti, you can submit a stamped application, addressed to the Rector Prof. Franco Cuccurullo, with the following documents:
A) The original of the diploma Translated in Italian
B) The original of the academic qualification that you want to be recognized
C) The original of your studies plan with the detailed programmes of each exam taken
E) Three photographs (one of which authenticated , if you are a Non Eu citizens residing abroad)
F) Only for Italian Students : A certificate of the Local Italian Diplomatic Delegation attesting your actual residence in loco during the whole period of university studies.
G) A Copy of the identity card or residence permit
All the documents mentioned with the declaration of value must be translated and ratified by the Local Italian diplomatic Delegation, before submitting them.
- If you're an Italian citizen with a foreign academic qualification, an Eu - citizen residing elsewhere, or a Non Eu citizens residing in Italy with residence permit, non- tourist, You can submit the documents to the Student Record Office, until the 5th November or send them, by post, trough the Local Italian Delegation .
- If you're a foreign citizen residing abroad, you must submit between April and May the application for recognition of your academic qualification, with the documents above mentioned trough the local Italian delegation that will provide to transmit them to this University.
Individual Courses
If you're a foreign student or a graduate coming from a foreign University and do not want to enrol in a regular course of study, for the achievement of a Degree, but you only desire to attend, one academic or more courses, you may apply for registration to single courses.If you are a non EU citizen living abroad you need to submit by the end of August the request for admission to the courses you want to attend with your academic transcript or an equivalent document, issued by the university of origin translated by the local Italian Diplomatic Delegation. If you are a non EU citizen and live in Italy or an EU citizen residing elsewhere you can submit the request for admission to this university before the beginning of the courses, with a copy of the the certificate of registration at the University of origin or a copy of the degree certificate, duly ratified by the local Italian diplomatic delegation, a photograph and a copy of the identity card. The courses will begin the first week of October (For Medicine Faculty on 1st October). Registration is necessary for the recognition of any course attended during the year.
Useful links